XTOOL X100 Pro2 Success / Fail Reviews

Xtool X100 Pro2

Here is a vehicle list of XTOOL X100 Pro2 tested success and failure results

Add remote success:


Audi A4 2005-2008 add remote Success

Seat Ibiza 2002-2009 add remote Success

and some other vag groups add remotes up to 2009 I don’t remember exactly models, was a success,

Sometimes it will fail to add remote but if i erase all then it will add the old and the new ones.

never failed me on add remote on vag group so far, i believe it’s good for adding remotes, if the car has comfort module for remote installed i believe it will add it.



Remotes on Santa Fe CM 2008 worked very well! Success

Hyundai Tucson JM 2005: remote adding with success


Key programming success:


Honda CRV 2005 AKL: success



Hyundai Tucson JM 2005: Key adding with success



Opel Corsa C: add key success (failed to pull pin code, pulled it with another machine), add remote success, also can pull key mechanical code without a key in the ignition.

Opel Meriva A: add key success (failed to pull pin code, pulled it with another machine), added remote success, also can pull key mechanical code without a key in the ignition



Smart 450 before 2001 petrol engine Remote program Success


Key programming fails:


Opel Corsa D Failed to Connect

Opel Vectra C Failed to Connect



Seat Leon 2006 add new key Failed!



Smart 450 Diesel before 2001 failed to connect


Mileage correction success & fails:


Tried the mileage adjustment on MK4 Mondeo and MK3 focus, with success.

Tried on a MK2 focus estate diesel which the reader supports, but it would save a file but not adjust.

X100 pro2 can do ford mondeo 2016 full lcd dash, but can’t do 2008 red dash focus…



VW PASSAT white instrument NEC+24c32 done

Xtool X100 Pro2 Review 1

golf 2008 mileage correction- failed

Xtool X100 Pro2 Review 2


To be continued…

Credit to all users’ feedback!

