XTool pad2 pro worked very well and was very fast in Renault Megane 2
on this type of key it works fine. 2 minutes and the key is programmed
Renault Megane 2 Adăugare cheie de tip cartela Operațiune executata în 40 secunde +Copiere amprenta mecanica pt a descuia mașina în caz de forță majoră 📟 #GrvGarage💻 www.grvgarage.com🖨 office@grvgarage.com☎️ +40765180874
Posted by GrvGarage on Monday, 24 August 2020
(Renault Megane 2
Add card type key
Operation performed in 40 seconds
+ Copy the mechanical fingerprint to unlock the machine in case of force majeure)