If you lose it: You could call a locksmith, who can come and make you a new key on the spot. In some cases—an unusual or older vehicle—a locksmith may not be able to help. You might need to buy a new ignition lock cylinder and key from the dealer or an independent repair shop.
FYI, you can make a key by yourself, Xtool.co.uk recommend: you can make a key by yourself with Xtool X100 Pro2 key programmer
XTOOL X100 Pro2 can program Honda key below:
Type 1 (3G)
Type 2 (4G)
Smart key system
Type 1 (knob)
Type 2 (button)
Type 3 (button)
Program remote (9G)
RN6 07-
Today, we take Honda CRV 2004 Chip ID 13 as an example.
Main steps:
When start the car using the key, there is security indicator light appear on the dashboard.
Connect properly X-100 Pro2 and the vehicle via main cable
Select “Immobiliser”-> “HONDA V26.38”->“Immobiliser”-> “Manual”-> “Type 1 (3G)”-> “All keys lost”
Then follow the prompt on the screen to operate:
Switch ignition on
Input the number of the keys
Switch ignition off…on… till it appears “whether security indicator light is extinguished?”
Then switch ignition off…on till program successfully
Now the security indicator light disappears.