XTool Tata BS6 IMMO Software Updated!
Good news!Tata BS6 key programming is possible,For all Xtool Key programmer : X100 PAD Elite (X100 PAD3) X100 PAD3 SE X100 PAD2 PRO X100 PAD2 Read More…
XTool Key Programmer & XTool Scanner Technical Support
Good news!Tata BS6 key programming is possible,For all Xtool Key programmer : X100 PAD Elite (X100 PAD3) X100 PAD3 SE X100 PAD2 PRO X100 PAD2 Read More…
It has been confirmed by XTOOL Tech that XTOOL X100 PAD2/X100 PAD3 tablet series can program key to Mitsubishi ID46 and ID47 car models via OBD. CheckRead More…
If XTOOL X100 PAD2/X100 PAD2 Pro appears error with the words “Missing Nissan Pin code data files, download the upgrade tool!”, how to solve it? DRead More…
Here share the guide to change XTOOL X100 PAD2/X100 PAD2 Pro key programmer language for the customers who require it. @Vladimir Jovanovic asked inRead More…
Yes, it can. Discovery 3 is supported by X100 PAD2/ X100 PAD2 Pro in key programming. Check the Land Rover IMMO function list as below. LandrovRead More…
Here share the newest key programming car models update notice for XTOOL key programmer incl. X100 PAD, X100 PAD2, X100 PAD2 Pro and X100 PAD3 (X100 PRead More…
Recently, XTool.UK engineer received many customers emails about how to update Xtool X100 Pad2 and Xtool X100 Pad2 Pro, Here is the instruction on oriRead More…
Xtool X100 PAD2 Pro key programmer is the upgrade version of Xtool X100 Pad2 , newly adds 4th & 5th IMMO , highly recommend Xtool x-100 pad2 PRO wRead More…