It’s your worst nightmare: a broken car key indoor preventing you from either opening or properly locking your vehicle. Don’t worry, Xtool X100 PAD3 can help you.
These two keys can not open the door:
Purpose: Program Suzuki Spresso 2020 keys with Xtool X100 PAD3 via OBD
1.This tutorial also compatible with device Xtool Xpad elite, X100 pad 2, X100 PAD, H6 elite, and H6 PRO
2.In Immobiliser function, you can use two ways to select your vehicle, By Type and By vehicle are both OK
3.This operation must be connected to the network
4.In Key Programming Free Pin code Function,the all keys will be erased
Connect X100 PAD 3 with vehicle diagnostic socket through main test cable
Select Xtool Diagnosis->Diagnosis->Immobilizer->IN SUZUKI->India->Immobiliser->By Type->Type 7-> key programming ->Free pin code (old)
Please send the following ID code to the makers to query the security code, press OK to continue
You must connect to the network to complete the following operation, press OK to continue, press cancel to return
After performing this function, all keys will be erased, press YES to continue. NO to return
Hold the new key where the logo on the remote is facing and touching the start/stop button with the key
Program success whether to program next one?Total keys: 0 ,we should press YES to continue
Then hold the new key where the logo on the remote is facing and touching the start/stop button with the key again.
Program first key success, press YES to continue to program the second key
Hold the new key where the logo on the remote is facing and touching the start/stop button with the key
Program the second key done, repeat the same action one last time
Program success!
Total keys: 3
Press NO to finish work
Program success
End of procedure
Works have done! Xtool X100 PAD 3 OBD Program Suzuki Spresso 2020 keys – success.

Attachment: Xtool x100 pad 3 car list For SUZUKI IMMO
- SX4
- Swift
- Alto
Type 1
Type 2
- Vitra
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Smart key systen
- Liana
- Alivio
Smart key systen
- S-Cross
Smart key systen
- SX4 S-Cross
Smart key systen
- Jimny
- Ignis
- XL7
- Kizashi
Smart key system