VW IMMO 3 All Keys Lost: XTOOL X100 PAD2 (Pro) Works!
Which VW car models can add new key or do all keys lost by XTOOL X100 PAD2/X100 PAD2 Pro? Many customers have tested on their cars and give good feedbRead More…
XTool Key Programmer & XTool Scanner Technical Support
Which VW car models can add new key or do all keys lost by XTOOL X100 PAD2/X100 PAD2 Pro? Many customers have tested on their cars and give good feedbRead More…
XTOOL X100 PAD2 (Pro) becomes more and more popular in the world, and some customers want to know which Renault car models can work with XTOOL X100 PARead More…
Q: Can I use XTOOL X100 PAD2 (Pro) to add a new key to my 2016 Ford Focus? If can, how to do? A: Yes, one user @ Robert Bravar has succesRead More…
Yes, it can. Discovery 3 is supported by X100 PAD2/ X100 PAD2 Pro in key programming. Check the Land Rover IMMO function list as below. LandrovRead More…
Recently, XTool.UK engineer received many customers emails about how to update Xtool X100 Pad2 and Xtool X100 Pad2 Pro, Here is the instruction on oriRead More…
XTOOL X100 PAD2 is able to program mileage & keys for all Ford car models. Please look at the following supported list + reviews. Part 1: Xtool XRead More…
XTOOL X100 PAD2 Pro is a comprehensive key programmer which is able to do key programming, odometer adjustment, and special function. Though it’s noRead More…
Xtool X100 Pro2 works perfectly on Citroen, can read keys from the immobilizer’s memory, and perform new keys, immobilizer, and ECU programming. TodaRead More…
Good news! Xtool is rollout the XTOOL MQB Token for MQB A6/Q7/A8 programming online on Xtool.co.uk XTOOL MQB Token (Point Card) can be used with XTRead More…
Xtool X100 PAD2 Pro key programmer is the upgrade version of Xtool X100 Pad2 , newly adds 4th & 5th IMMO , highly recommend Xtool x-100 pad2 PRO wRead More…